Addressing the Mothername

Cellulite is not forever.

Enter Lizzie May.  Not only is she my personal health and fitness guru, I’m honored to consider her one of my best friends. Plus, she’s brilliant, (and I don’t use that word lightly).

When I told her the name of my blog, (and how I at least needed to address the name) she shared with me THE Hollywood secrets to getting rid of cellulite.

So, take these tips and run!

Hello Jello:  First, get yourself some grass fed gelatin.  Now, if you’re like me, your eyes just crossed and you kind of laughed.  Because it’s not like you can just roll into your local market and say, “excuse me, but do you know where I can find (looking around to see if anyone can hear you) um, grass fed gelatin?”

May says grass fed gelatin increases collagen production, which upon further research, (you’re welcome) can be good for more than just cellulite.  It’s beneficial for STRETCH MARKS and WRINKLES, too!

Burn Baby Burn:  If you really want to get after it, she also recommends Sue Hitzman’s Melt Method.

Cha-ching:  If you’re rolling around town with some real serious cash, Ms. May suggests getting your hail damage massaged to increase lymphatic drainage. We’re getting Hollywood here, (but between you and me, I hear getting that fat pinched massage feels like child birth without the epidural).

I just winced (and then checked my savings account).

May also suggests Dry Brushing.

She adds drinking a TON OF WATER, keeping your salt intake LOW and making sure your hormones are balanced also helps smooth out those dimples.

Balanced hormones? She pointed out that you don’t see a lot of men with cellulite.




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